A creative and generative framework that aims to address ambiguity is more important now than ever. Research has shown that the youth of today, more often than not, feel uncertain about future career choices.
Developed at Stanford, the “Designing Your Life” (DYL) course quickly became the most popular elective at the university.
It is one of few classes that has been scientifically studied and proven to make a difference for students on a number of different measures—such as being able to better conceive and pursue a career of their liking and increased ability to generate new ideas for life projects.
The Stanford
Life Design Lab
The Life Design Lab (d.life) at Stanford teaches courses, delivers programs and tools, and conducts research applying the innovation principles of Design Thinking to the problems of life, education, and vocation.
Following the success of the Life Design classes at Stanford, universities across the world—from Cornell to Cape Town—are launching life design experiments of their own, including seminars for hundreds of undergraduates, career development courses and workshops, and even training for staff.
The Ashoka
This course would be one of the courses I will never forget.
Tshering Choden
Student, Life Design Studio Course ‘23
Ashoka University’s InfoEdge Centre for Entrepreneurship offers over 30+ courses to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation and provide access to resources, networks and mentorship. The Centre offered the “Life Design Studio” course for the first time in India, taught by Visiting Faculty Navyug Mohnot.
Offered as a two-credit (20 hours) course open to all disciplines (across all years.), the “Life Design Studio” course equips students with a holistic skillset, and above all a proactive mindset, to design and build their lives and careers forward.
Course Ratings
Likelihood of
the course
Overall rating for how valuable was the course
Rating for the Teacher and methods used
Featured Video
A student short-film celebrating the course experience!
By Yashraj Nanda
Student, Life Design Course ‘23
Case Study
The course emphasized a syllabus integrating the Life Design framework, Design Thinking, problem framing and reframing dysfunctional beliefs, storytelling and networking, and the tools to build intentional change.
See the complete case study to learn more about the courseware and student experiences.
Building a Life Design
Movement in Indian
Higher Education
IIM Lucknow
(Noida Campus)
“Designing Your Life” Workshop | July 2023
The MBA students of IIM Lucknow applied design thinking for personal and professional development through a half-day workshop on “Designing Your Life” with Navyug Mohnot. With hands-on activities and reflection sessions, they left with valuable insights for intentional future building.
NID Gandhinagar
Part of Strategic Design Management Course | Spring ‘23 Semester
As part of Professor S. Guruprasad’s Masters program in Strategic Design Management at NID Gandhinagar, students engaged with the “Designing Your Life” framework. Through the course, they worked on building on a life project, practically applying and implementing key principles of the framework, such as a bias-to-action approach.
Upcoming: IIT Jodhpur
“Life Design Studio” Course | Spring ‘24
IIT Jodhpur launches the 10-week credit course for “Life Design Studio” by Navyug Mohnot starting January 2024.
Upcoming: Stanford
Life Design Webinar
(for University Educators)
January 17th, 2024 | 9 AM IST
Led by the Stanford Life Design Lab team—Kathy Davies, Managing Director and Dustin Liu, Fellow and Lecturer—alongside Navyug Mohnot and Priyank Narayan, this session for university educators will Life Design tailored for the Indian higher-ed landscape.
Looking to bring
DYL to your
Looking to bring DYL to your University?
We design + deliver customized DYL programs for universities that range from half-day workshops to full credit courses.
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